1. Name given on son Pietro's death certificate.
2. Death certificate was found with marriage records of granddaughter
Giustina SAULINO on microfilm #1329728 for the year 1859. Birthplace
was listed as Agnone. Age at death was listed as 63 years.
Parents were listed as Francesco Carosella and Mariantonia Giaccio.
3. Research note: Found a death certificate for a fifteen month old son
named Carmine Carosella born to Liberatore Carosella and Maria
Giuseppa ORLANDO. Death was on 31 July 1821. Liberatore would have
been around 51 years old at the birth of the child, and he was
married to Concetta ORLANDO. Possible tie in somehow.
4. Death certificate found on Agnone microfiche #1338833.